Remember how I said that 3 was lucky - well I also have 3 adaorable grandsons. My oldest daughter, Tamara Guida, is the mother of Dante (6), Vincent (23 months) and Dominic (4 months). I am truly blessed to have them so close to me - just a 20 minute walk. One of my biggest joys is when I arrive at their house and they shout, Granny! and come running to me. The feeling is just hard to explain. My daughter is such a wonderful Mother, also. She has the patience of a saint, always keeping a even temperament, always explaining why they have centain rules, always enjoying her role of mother watching and teaching her boys the wonders of the world around them and the joys of loving each other. I admire how she lives in each moment and conciously wants to give them a variety of experiences and make every day a special experience with them.
Her husband, Mike, does marketing for an internet based ad company and is a mortgage broker. It's so fun to see him give each boy special attention as they just love their Dad.
Dante just started 1st grade this year at the same school my daughter Jackie is a 9th grader, Compass Montessori School. He enjoys learning and reading, even though he can get frustrated when he does not do something perfect. He is very vocal and loves race cars and playing with his neighborhood of friends. Vincent is just a happy toddler learning a new word almost every day. His smile can melt your heart. It's fun watching him communicate with you in sign language, which he is pretty proficient at. Dominic has started smiling and even laughing - so fun when they respond to you. He weighed in at 9-1/2 pounds so he is quite the chunk - so different from the slimness of the other guys. All three so different - all bringing joy to their Granny!
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